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Writer's pictureChenisse Ouellette


Updated: Nov 17, 2022

Early on in my spiritual journey I would experience a lot of pressure from my ego mind to arrive at a specific outcome, attain a goal, the next step in my healing, always pushing to get somewhere other than where I was. When in balance this powerful drive and passion serve me well through inspiration to take aligned action. However, out of balance, I’m left feeling behind, not enough, and overwhelmed.

It wasn’t until a friend supported me with the message of having grace for myself that I came to this expanded perspective. When I received this guidance in a state of chronic dysregulation, I didn’t have a concept of what grace meant. The word stuck with me as a contemplation until one morning I woke up to realize the word serves as an acronym.

G - Gratitude for everything that you are and have in this moment here and now. This puts us in the ultimate frequency of receiving. And it just plain feels good to take stock of all of the blessings that surround us. This can be as simple as feeling grateful for clean drinking water or the kindness of a loved one.

R - Respect your Self and your unique path. Honoring your core essence, values & gifts. Setting boundaries to protect your energy.

A - Appreciation of the goodness life has bestowed upon you. Tuning into the heartfelt feelings that are evoked by love in all its many forms. Like appreciating the fullness of a warm hug or a nourishing meal.

C - Compassion for all of the experiences that you have lived through that have brought you to this moment. Turning the love & patience inward, softening & nurturing oneself.

E - Ease in walking the path of least resistance. Give yourself permission to do what feels good and accept the support coming from unexpected sources. Affirm that life can be easy when we are living in a balanced state of alignment.

The Seat of the Soul by Gary Zukav, describes grace as a knowing that what you are experiencing is necessary. This knowing brings a sense of calm to drop an anchor in the sometimes turbulent waters of life. Grace is faith in a higher guiding Divine Source. A surrender of the lower ego mind to the higher Divine mind.

My journey with Energy Healing, Yoga, Ayurveda, Somatics and Divination has taught me the expansive meaning of Grace and I’m so excited to share with YOU! Book a session where I lovingly guide you back into your experience of walking through life with grace.

Invitation to drop into a meditative state and listen to this song to tune in to the energetics of Grace.

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